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Welcome to Spirit and Life Kingdom Center

"We are expanding in the greatness of God and the greatness of God is expanding in us"

Welcome to Spirit and Life Kingdom Center, where we are committed to teaching the Word of God with simplicity and understanding. Our vision is for people from all walks of life to understand and receive God’s love, forgiveness, grace, mercy and power for them through Jesus Christ.

To empower people to live the “Kingdom Life,” by experiencing victory and success in every area of their lives.

Pastor Kay S. Winston

Church Activities

"It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing; the word that I speak unto you,
they are spirit, and they are life." John 6:63

Sunday Morning Worship – Live Stream

July 28, 2024 9:30 am

Watch Sunday Morning Worship (Live Stream) at 9:30am.

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Get involved

Spirit Life Kingdom Center has several ministries available for you to be involved in. Regardless of your gift in the ministry, we have opportunities to serve and participate. From helping in the children's ministry to greeting our guest as they arrive at the front doors, serving at Spirit and Life Kingdom Center is a great way to serve in the kingdom as unto the Lord.

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